Happy Birthday and Father’s Day, Dad!

I’ve got an exciting and busy wedding weekend ahead of me, but I need to give a quick shout out to my dad… the best dad there ever was.   It’s his birthday today, and of course we’ll celebrate Father’s Day with a family BBQ at home on Sunday.



[ Dad with last year’s birthday+father’s day present: a tiny baby yo-chon that he named Mitzi, aka MitzMitz ]

Sure, sure… you may think yours is pretty fantastic too, but mine really is the best.  This guy used to be a one man jungle gym for his 4 young kids, do our girls’ hair when mom was busy or gone, put it in rollers for dance competitions, rat the pony tails when the curlers came out, did father-daughter dances with my sister and I.  He sat through baseball games, soccer games, dance competitions proudly sporting his ‘I Heart My Bengalette(s) hat and being ‘that’ dad that screamed BENGALETTES ROCK to be heard on every videotape until my sister and I graduated, sat through football games, band shows, put up with me not wanting to snap the snaps on my letter jacket (come ON, Dad…eye roll…), proudly donned his U of M/UMD/St. Ben’s DAD sweatshirts, can help me fix any car problem, is always there to pick up the phone and just listen when I need it, can play a mean saxophone, brings my mom a rose “just because” even after 29 years of marriage, and to top it off, he’s got the best sense of humor… total dad humor.  He’s the best and we love and appreciate him for all the great dad things he does and for all the values and lessons he’s taught his four kids.  Love you, Dad!  Happy Birthday and Happy Father’s Day! 

That’s a little sap and some family love to send you into your weekend!  😉

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